The Alliance of Specialty Medicine submitted recommendations to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) on improving Medicare Advantage (MA) data. In their letter, the Alliance calls on CMS to update the list of recognized specialties, revise its time and distance standards, and implement wait time standards for all specialties to ensure timely access to care. The group also urges CMS to increase transparency in the quality and cost metrics used by MA plans for network management. They also stress the need for accurate provider directories and ways to address barriers such as prior authorization and step therapy that delay patient care. Additionally, the Alliance advocates for improved data collection and transparency for supplemental benefits and ensuring clear information about network coverage and medication formularies during enrollment. The Alliance highlights how these recommendations would provide CMS and beneficiaries with important data and information about MA plans, which would improve program oversight and assist beneficiaries in making enrollment decisions.  Read more in the letter by clicking the link below.

Alliance Letter to CMS on Medicare Advantage Data